A visa to Israel is an official document issued by the Israeli government that permits foreign nationals to enter the country for a specified purpose, such as tourism, business, work, or study. Depending on your nationality and the purpose of your visit, you may need to apply for a visa before your trip.
To make it easier to determine the visa requirements for your nationality, refer to the following table:
Country Code | Country Name | Visa Type | Validity Period | Duration of Stay Allowed |
AFG | Afghanistan | Regular Visa | - | Requires MFA confirmation |
ALB | Albania | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
DZA | Algeria | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
ASM | American Samoa | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
AND | Andorra | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
AGO | Angola | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
AIA | Anguilla | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
ATG | Antigua and Barbuda | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
ARG | Argentina | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
ARM | Armenia | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
ABW | Aruba | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
AUS | Australia | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
AUT | Austria | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
AZE | Azerbaijan | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
BHS | Bahamas | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
BHR | Bahrain | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
BGD | Bangladesh | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
BRB | Barbados | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
BLR | Belarus | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
BEL | Belgium | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
BLZ | Belize | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
BEN | Benin | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
BMU | Bermuda | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
BTN | Bhutan | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
BOL | Bolivia | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
BWA | Botswana | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
BRA | Brazil | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
BRN | Brunei Darussalam | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
BGR | Bulgaria | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
BFA | Burkina Faso | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
BDI | Burundi | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
KHM | Cambodia | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
CMR | Cameroon | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
CAN | Canada | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
CPV | Cape Verde | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
CYM | Cayman Islands | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
CAF | Central African Republic | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
TCD | Chad | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
CHL | Chile | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
CHN | China | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
COL | Colombia | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
COM | Comoros | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
COG | Congo (Brazzaville) | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
COD | Congo Democratic Rep. (Zaire) | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
COK | Cook Islands | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
CRI | Costa Rica | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
HRV | Croatia | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
CUB | Cuba | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
CYP | Cyprus | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
CZE | Czech Republic | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
CIV | Côte d'Ivoire | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
DNK | Denmark | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
DJI | Djibouti | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
DMA | Dominica | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
DOM | Dominican Republic | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
ECU | Ecuador | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
EGY | Egypt | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
SLV | El Salvador | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
GNQ | Equatorial Guinea | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
ERI | Eritrea | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
EST | Estonia | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
SWZ | Eswatini (Swaziland) | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
ETH | Ethiopia | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
FLK | Falkland Islands | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
FJI | Fiji | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
FIN | Finland | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
FRA | France | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
GUF | French Guiana | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
PYF | French Polynesia | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
GAB | Gabon | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
GMB | Gambia | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
GEO | Georgia | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
DEU | Germany | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
GHA | Ghana | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
GIB | Gibraltar | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
GRC | Greece | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
GRD | Grenada | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
GLP | Guadeloupe | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
GUM | Guam | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
GTM | Guatemala | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
GIN | Guinea | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
GNB | Guinea Bissau | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
GUY | Guyana | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
HTI | Haiti | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
HND | Honduras | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
HKG | Hong Kong | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
HUN | Hungary | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
ISL | Iceland | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
IND | India | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
IDN | Indonesia | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
IRN | Iran | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
IRQ | Iraq | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
IRL | Ireland | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
IM | Isle of Man | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
ITA | Italy | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
JAM | Jamaica | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
JPN | Japan | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
JOR | Jordan | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
KAZ | Kazakhstan | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
KEN | Kenya | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
KIR | Kiribati | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
KOS | Kosovo | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
KWT | Kuwait | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
KGZ | Kyrgyzstan | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
LAO | Laos | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
LVA | Latvia | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
LBN | Lebanon | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
LSO | Lesotho | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
LBR | Liberia | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
LBY | Libya | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
LIE | Liechtenstein | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
LTU | Lithuania | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
LUX | Luxembourg | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
MAC | Macau | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
MDG | Madagascar | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
MWI | Malawi | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
MYS | Malaysia | Regular Visa | - | Requires MFA confirmation |
MDV | Maldives | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
MLI | Mali | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
MLT | Malta | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
MHL | Marshall Islands | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
MTQ | Martinique | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
MRT | Mauritania | Regular Visa | - | Requires MFA confirmation |
MUS | Mauritius | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
MEX | Mexico | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
FSM | Micronesia | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
MDA | Moldova | Regular Visa | - | Requires MFA confirmation |
MCO | Monaco | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
MNG | Mongolia | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
MNE | Montenegro | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
MSR | Montserrat | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
MAR | Morocco | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
MOZ | Mozambique | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
NAM | Namibia | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
NRU | Nauru | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
NPL | Nepal | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
NLD | Netherlands | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
NZL | New Zealand | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
NIC | Nicaragua | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
NER | Niger | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
NGA | Nigeria | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
PRK | North Korea | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
MKD | North Macedonia | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
NOR | Norway | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
OMN | Oman | Regular Visa | - | Requires MFA confirmation |
PAK | Pakistan | Regular Visa | - | Requires MFA confirmation |
PLW | Palau | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
PAN | Panama | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
PNG | Papua New Guinea | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
PRI | Puerto Rico | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
PHL | Philippines | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
POL | Poland | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
PRT | Portugal | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
QAT | Qatar | Regular Visa | - | Requires MFA confirmation |
ROU | Romania | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
RUS | Russia | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
RWA | Rwanda | Regular Visa | - | *Only for diplomatic passport |
WSM | Samoa | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
SMR | San Marino | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
STP | São Tomé and Príncipe | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
SAU | Saudi Arabia | Regular Visa | - | Requires MFA confirmation |
SEN | Senegal | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
SRB | Serbia | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
SYC | Seychelles | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
SLE | Sierra Leone | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
SGP | Singapore | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
SVK | Slovakia | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
SVN | Slovenia | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
SLB | Solomon Islands | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
SOM | Somalia | Regular Visa | - | Requires MFA confirmation |
ZAF | South Africa | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
SGS | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
KOR | South Korea | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
SSD | South Sudan | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
ESP | Spain | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
LKA | Sri Lanka | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
SDN | Sudan | Regular Visa | - | Requires MFA confirmation |
SUR | Suriname | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
SWE | Sweden | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
CHE | Switzerland | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
SYR | Syria | Regular Visa | - | Requires MFA confirmation |
TJK | Tajikistan | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
TZA | Tanzania | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
THA | Thailand | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
TLS | Timor-Leste | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
TGO | Togo | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
TON | Tonga | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
TTO | Trinidad and Tobago | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
TUN | Tunisia | Regular Visa | - | Requires MFA confirmation |
TUR | Turkey | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
TKM | Turkmenistan | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
TUV | Tuvalu | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
UGA | Uganda | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
UKR | Ukraine | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
ARE | United Arab Emirates | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
GBR | United Kingdom | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
USA | United States | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
URY | Uruguay | ETA-IL | 2 years | Up to 90 days per visit |
UZS | Uzbekistan | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
VUT | Vanuatu | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
VEN | Venezuela | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
VNM | Vietnam | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Only for Diplomatic passports |
WLF | Wallis and Futuna | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
WSM | Western Sahara | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
YEM | Yemen | Regular Visa | - | Requires MFA confirmation |
ZMB | Zambia | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
ZWE | Zimbabwe | Regular Visa | Up to 3 months | Up to 3 months |
This table categorizes all countries in the world and specifies the type of visa required for each.
Israel offers several visa categories to accommodate different travel purposes. Understanding these options is crucial to selecting the right visa for your visit.
Refer to the table below for a comprehensive overview of all types of Israeli visas:
Visa Type | Purpose | Eligibility | Documents Required | Validity | Application Process |
Immigration Visa | For Jewish individuals returning to Israel under the Law of Return | Individuals of Jewish heritage, as defined by the Law of Return | Handled by the Jewish Agency; requires approval by an Israeli diplomatic/consular representative | Permanent residency | Contact the Jewish Agency’s Aliya representative responsible for the applicant's area for initiation of the process. |
A/1 Temporary Resident Visa | Temporary residence for those eligible for immigration | People eligible for immigration under the Law of Return | Completed visa application; approval from both the Jewish Agency representative and Israeli consular representative | Usually 1 year, with possibility of renewal | Apply through the Jewish Agency and an Israeli diplomatic/consular representative for final approval. |
A/2 Student Visa | For study at recognized educational institutions in Israel | Students accepted into elementary, high schools, universities, yeshivot, or Jewish Agency youth institutions | Completed visa application; valid passport (1-year+ validity); two passport photos; acceptance letter from the institution; 3-month bank statement for financial proof; roundtrip airline tickets or payment confirmation for next school year (for exchange students); payment of visa fee | Up to 1 year, renewable | Submit documents to Israeli consulate; minors need written consent from both parents or legal guardian. |
A/3 Clergy Visa | For clergymen serving religious communities in Israel | Clergy with an invitation from a recognized religious institution in Israel | Completed visa application; valid passport; two passport photos; payment of visa fee | Determined by Ministry of the Interior guidelines | Application must be submitted by the inviting religious institution in Israel. Approval from Ministry of Interior required. |
A/4 Visa | For spouses and minor children of A/2 or A/3 visa holders | Spouses and children of individuals with A/2 or A/3 visas | Completed visa application (linked to main applicant); valid passport; two passport photos; payment of visa fee | Linked to the validity of the primary applicant's visa | Submitted together with the primary applicant’s visa application. |
B/1 Work Visa | For temporary work, granted to experts, artists, and specialists | Applicants approved by the Ministry of the Interior | Completed visa application; two passport photos; verified certificate of good conduct; medical examination results (including tests for tuberculosis, hepatitis, and AIDS); declaration for fingerprints and photo; payment of fee | Varies; typically 1 year, renewable | Apply to the Ministry of the Interior. Once approved, the applicant undergoes an interview at an Israeli mission. |
B/2 Visitor's Visa | For short-term stays, such as tourism, business, or study at a Hebrew ulpan | Tourists, business visitors, or short-term students | Completed visa application; itinerary (plane ticket, hotel reservation, or accommodation details); passport (6-month+ validity); two passport photos; health insurance; employment letter; re-entry visa to the U.S. or original Green card; payment of visa fee | Up to 3 months; can be extended | Apply at an Israeli mission. Border Police determines stay duration. Extensions can be requested at Ministry offices. |
Official Diplomat/Government Visa | For official government missions | Government officials or diplomats with official government passports | Completed visa application; official government letter; official Service Passport; two passport photos | Duration varies by assignment | Submit at an Israeli mission; standard processing time is two weeks. Expedited requests require additional documents. |
Israel - US Investor Visa | For managing and developing a business venture in Israel (mutual for U.S. and Israeli investors) | U.S. citizens investing in Israel or Israelis investing in the U.S., and their families | Application through an Israeli mission with a commercial attaché (e.g., Washington, New York); U.S. investors require documentation as outlined by the interministerial committee | Temporary, based on investment duration | Apply at a diplomatic mission with a commercial attaché or through the U.S. Embassy for Israeli investors. |
Birthright/Masa Visa | For participation in Israeli national programs like Taglit-Birthright Israel or MASA | Individuals participating in Birthright, Masa, or Jewish Agency projects | For < 3 months: B/2 visitor visa; for > 3 months: A/2 student visa (no fee required) | B/2: Up to 3 months; A/2: Up to 1 year, renewable | Program participants apply for the appropriate visa (B/2 or A/2) based on project duration. |
ETA-IL (Electronic Travel Authorization) | For short-term tourism and business visits | Citizens of ETA-IL eligible countries | Completed online ETA-IL application; valid passport (minimum 6 months validity); payment of ETA-IL processing fee | Up to 90 days within a 180-day period | Apply online; usually processed within hours to a few days, providing a stay of up to 90 days within a 180-day period. |
Your go-to guide for understanding visa types, eligibility, and application processes:
Identify the appropriate visa category based on the purpose of your visit. Check eligibility criteria and specific requirements for your nationality.
Prepare the following documents:
Submit your application at the nearest Israeli consulate or embassy. In some cases, online applications are available.
Visa fees vary depending on your nationality and the type of visa. Confirm the fee with the Israeli consulate.
Certain applicants may need to attend an interview at the consulate or embassy.
Processing times vary but generally take 10-15 business days. Apply well in advance to avoid delays.
- Best Seasons: Spring (March-May) and Fall (September-November) offer pleasant weather.
- Jerusalem: Explore the Old City and its religious landmarks.
- Tel Aviv: Enjoy vibrant nightlife and beautiful beaches.
- Dead Sea: Experience the lowest point on Earth.
- Masada: Visit the ancient fortress with breathtaking desert views.
- Dress modestly when visiting religious sites.
- Be respectful of diverse cultures and traditions.
Navigating the visa process can be daunting, but we’re here to help. Our expert team provides:
- 24/7 Support: Assistance for all your visa inquiries.
- Tailored Advice: Guidance based on your unique travel needs.
- Seamless Process: End-to-end support, from document preparation to application submission.
Start your journey today by checking your visa eligibility and beginning your application. With the right preparation and guidance, your trip to Israel will be unforgettable!